My Heritage

My Black Seminole Native American maternal lineage can be traced back to my great-great-great grandfather.
I express my Black Indigenous identity as a dancer-activist.

#NoMoreStolenAncestors #IAmGenI #NativeYouth

Center for
Native American Youth

Center for Native American Youth – Youth Leader focused on getting out the Native Vote with training Reimagining Civics: Native Youth Engagement for Empowerment. Microgrant funding to explore the importance of participation in both tribal and non-tribal democracy.

Democracy is Indigenous Youth Leader

Earth Justice

Help pass the Environmental Justice for All Act. This bill will empower frontline communities to hold polluters accountable.

Native Earth
Organizers Alliance

The Native Organizers Alliance Action Fund is dedicated to building the organizing capacity of Native organizers and groups building grassroots power for change among native peoples across the continent.